in fact, getting better and better. Despite the nightmares and the security protocols and the ever-present awareness of the fast-approaching end of reality as we know it – I began to relax.
Big mistake, Bob.
A lot of things can happen in a month. In the context of the last month, I have . . . well, I'm not dead, even though I've acquired my first gray hairs. I'm not insane, or back in hospital, under arrest, or even slightly maimed. All things considered, thats a minor miracle.
A little light duty, filling in time. Ho bloody ho. 'We want you to keep an eye on some departmental assets that are going walkabout,' Angleton said, as if we were talking about paper clips or rubber bands. So of course I didn't think to ask what kind of assets he had in mind. Silly me.
The last month's asset-watching has been something of an eyeopener. I've got a whole new bundle of guilt, not to mention a bunch of secrets to see me through the sleepless nights. Assets, going walkabout. That's a euphemism, you know, as the actress said to the bishop. Sort of like the French prime minister describing an H-bomb test as 'a device which is exploding.'
So here without further ado is my recollection of the events classified under APOCALYPSE CODEX.