Recently we’ve been asking people the following question: If you could go back, with what you know now, and give your past self a message, what would it be?
It’s a question inspired by the ingenious novel The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August (UK | US | ANZ) by Claire North, and we’ve had an amazing response already.
So many people are engaging with this novel in wonderful different ways because it’s such a unique book. So unique, in fact, that here in the UK we wanted to make each and every hardback of the book different in some way to reflect this . . .
So if you pick up a UK hardback copy of Harry August from your local store or online retailer, look out for one of the hand-written postcards inside. Every single one is different! Written on these postcards are individual pieces of advice – messages left from lives lived before, such as:
“Be on alert for a message when the clock strikes midnight”
“Your destiny awaits you in the honeysuckle hedge in the garden”
and “Remember to trust your gut instinct”
But amongst all the hardbacks out there, there are fifteen messages which are particularly special. This is because they’re signed by Harry August himself. If you’re lucky enough to find one of these cards, you can email to claim a prize: a treasure from one of Harry’s fifteen lives. Look at Harry’s study below to see what you could win!

And don’t forget to read our full terms and conditions here.
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August is out next Tuesday 8th April from Orbit in the UK and ANZ, and from Redhook in the US.
Become part of the story by leaving a message to your past self at