At this midpoint of the first month of the first year of the second decade of the twenty-first century, I declare 2010 to be the International Year of the Sea Serpent.
And in celebration of said august occasion, I bid you all behold: The Map of All Things!
Very nice, isn’t it? We certainly think so, and so does international bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson, who described it as ‘absolutely breathtaking’.
Coming soon: a sneak preview of the fantastic new cover style for The Edge of the Worldmass market paperback . . .
This month sees our international publication of The Edge of the World by Kevin J. Anderson, the international bestselling author of the Saga of Seven Suns space opera sequence and, of course, co-author of the bestselling Dune prequels. The Edge of the World, Book One of Terra Incognita, is the beginning of a series that promises an incredible ride through a fully-realised fantasy landscape – and seascape. It’s a compelling, rollicking, maritime epic fantasy, set in a world modeled after Europe in the great Age of Discovery.
It is a time of sea monsters and mermaids, lost islands and ghost ships, leviathans and weather witches, in which brave captains in sailing ships explore the uncharted regions of the world, where even the finest maps are marked only with ‘Here Be Monsters’ or ‘Terra Incognita’.
UK jacket
After generations of friction, the leaders of two lands meet in the holy city of Ishalem to bring an end to the bloodshed and to divide the world between them.
Sadly, this new spirit of fellowship is shortlived. A single tragic accident destroys, in minutes, the peace that took years to build. The world is once more cast into the fires of war – and this time the flames may burn until nothing remains. From the highest lord to the lowest servant, no man or woman will be unchanged by the conflict.
US jacket
But while war rages across both continents, a great quest will defy storms and sea serpents to venture beyond the horizon, where no maps exist – to search for a land out of legend. It is a perilous undertaking, but there will always be the impetuous, the brave and the mad who are willing to leave their homes to explore the unknown.
The Ashes of Worlds will be published in the US in July 2008, following the mass market publication of Metal Swarm (book 6 in the series) in June 2008.
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