Orbit Links for August 15 2008
Welcome to our latest weekly round-up post of links to Orbit authors’ activities elsewhere on the WWW:
- Over at Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist right now, you have a chance to win a 13-book Orbit prize pack.
- Michael Cobley has posted an extract from his soon-to-be-published short story ‘Weapon of Choice‘.
- Bookbag reviewer Natalie Baker has good things to say about Jennifer Fallon‘s Wolfblade.
- Charlie Huston‘s ‘Book of All Future Names’ project continues with Munez Lautner and Petty Affair and Castigleone.
- Fantasybookspot.com reviewer Trinuviel has been busy lately with reviews of Orbit titles by Jo Graham (Black Ships)and Glenda Larke (The Heart of the Mirage).
- Robert Jordan‘s The Wheel of Time series has been optioned by Universal Pictures.
- Speculative Horizons recommends the Sword of Shadows series by J.V. Jones.
- Jay Tomio is running a sweepstake to win a signed copy of Ken MacLeod‘s brand new novel, The Night Sessions.
- Lilith Saintcrow explains how to write convincing combat scenes.
- Jennifer Rardin discusses the possibilities for Jaz Parks, the Movie with the folks at mybookthemovie.blogspot.com.
- Charles Stross tells IO9.com why he thinks UK SciFi is more hopeful than US SciFi.
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)