Archive for Orbit US

Nine Fingered Heroes

Red Country by Joe AbercrombieFiction, and indeed real life, brims over with important folks without the full compliment of digits.  Here’s ten of them.  Alright, nine.

Frodo Baggins

The villain of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins, is immortalised by the bards as ‘Frodo of the Nine Fingers.’  The hero of the story, Gollum, is forced to chew off Frodo’s ring finger, nobly sacrificing himself to destroy the One Ring, after Frodo tries to claim it and usher in a new age of darkness over Middle Earth.  It’s a bleak and savage ending but, hey, who gets what they deserve?

Jesse James

The notorious Missouri outlaw is said to have accidently blown off the end of his left middle finger while cleaning his pistol during the American Civil War.  After his murder by Robert Ford, the fact that his body was photographed with the right hand apparently hiding this identifying feature sparked rumours that he was a stand-in, and that James had in fact survived.  He hadn’t.

Davos Seaworth

One of A Song of Ice and Fire’s best loved characters, the so called Onion Knight was once an infamous smuggler, but risked his life to bring food to the besieged Stannis Baratheon.  After the siege was lifted, Stannis knighted Davos as a reward.  Not strictly nine-fingered, but he certainly doesn’t have all ten, as Stannis also ordered the ends of all the fingers on his left hand cut off as punishment for the smuggling.  He now wears the bones in a bag round his neck.  A hard man to please, that Stannis…


Original Star Trekker James Doohan lost a middle finger in heroic action during the Normandy landings.  Efforts were made on the show to conceal the injury, including frequent use of a hand-double at the transporter controls, but in his guest appearance in The Next Generation episode, “Relics”, the missing digit was briefly visible.


The Legend of Eli Monpress: Voice Mail Edition

With the fifth and final book of my Eli Monpress series, SPIRIT’S END (UK | US | AUS)*, coming out November 20, it was high time to crawl out of my coffee splattered writer cave and do some promotion. Seeing as this is the final shebang, though, I knew I wanted to do something different, something spectacular… But then I lost my voice and my lit themed parody video of Carly Rae Jepson’s Call Me Maybe had to be put on indefinite hold. (Sample: “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I wrote this series, so read it maybe?”)

The disappointment is crushing,  I know, but as a consolation (and an apology to everyone who just got Call Me Maybe stuck in their heads), I wrote a short piece about what would happen if the Eli gang had voice mail instead. So if you’re a fan, get ready, because this fansevice is all for you! And if you haven’t read the series yet and want in on the joke, you can read the first few chapters of The Legend of Eli Monpress here.



*SPIRIT’S END is being published in the UK and Australia as an omnibus called THE REVENGE OF ELI MONPRESS which includes THE SPIRIT WAR and SPIRIT’S END.

So, without further ado, please enjoy The Legend of Eli Monpress: Voice Mail Edition!


Red Country now out in the US!

Love Epic Fantasy? Love Epic Fantasy with a western feel? Love guys named Joe? Even if it’s just one of the three — check out RED COUNTRY  by Joe Abercrombie. It’s fresh, it’s innovative (please pronounce in the British way please!) and it’s fun. Fun in a dark, gritty, dark kind of way. You know, the “There Will Be Blood” kind of way.  A bit about the novel:

They burned her home.
They stole her brother and sister.
But vengeance is following.

Shy South hoped to bury her bloody past and ride away smiling, but she’ll have to sharpen up some bad old ways to get her family back, and she’s not a woman to flinch from what needs doing.  She sets off in pursuit with only a pair of oxen and her cowardly old step father Lamb for company.  But it turns out Lamb’s buried a bloody past of his own.  And out in the lawless Far Country the past never stays buried.

Their journey will take them across the barren plains to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feud, duel and massacre, high into the unmapped mountains to a reckoning with the Ghosts.  Even worse, it will force them into alliance with Nicomo Cosca, infamous soldier of fortune, and his feckless lawyer Temple, two men no one should ever have to trust . . .

“Terrific fight scenes, compelling characters (some familiar, some new), and sardonic, vivid prose show Abercrombie at the top of his game.”  –Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Preview it for yourself and read chapter one from this fantastic new novel by Joe Abercrombie.


Become a fan of James S. A. Corey on Facebook!

There is a new way to receive updates on James S. A. Corey’s publishing activities over on Facebook.  Become a fan of the official Facebook fanpage and connect with other fans of the Expanse series. You’ll also gain access to exclusive excerpts from the upcoming novel ABADDON’S GATE!

For those of you who haven’t picked up these books yet, you can read  a sample from LEVIATHAN WAKES (UK | US  | AUS)  here and get hooked on this critically-acclaimed SF  series.

Praise for The Expanse series

“It’s been too long since we’ve had a really kickass space opera. Leviathan Wakes is interplanetary adventure the way it ought to be written.” — George R.R. Martin

This is the future the way it was supposed to be.” –  The Wall Street Journal on Leviathan Wakes

“A worthy sequel to Leviathan’s Wake. Compelling characters and a plot that combines political intrigue with military sf create a memorable story that begs for film adaptation.” –  Library Journal


Good…bad…they’re the guys with the legislative power.

I love me some fictional politicians. Right, left, good, evil, it doesn’t matter, as long as they’re interesting and prepared to present me with a new look at legislation. Here’s my top ten, at least for right now.

10. Katherine Vaughn Powers, President of the United States of America, The President’s Daughter, Ellen Emerson White.

The President’s Daughter series of young adult novels—starting with The President’s Daughter and concluding with Long May She Reign, which is arguably an adult novel—mostly focuses on the trials of being the old daughter of the first female President of the United States, but we see President Powers’s term through her daughters eyes. President Powers is firm in her convictions, dedicated to her family and to her country, and does not negotiate with terrorists. President Powers is really pretty damn bad-ass, when you get right down to it. The whole series was reissued in 2008 with new covers and with the pop culture and technology references updated for the time. I do think it’s kind of sad that when the first book came out, in 1984, everyone just sort of assumed we’d have a woman in the White House by now. Maybe soon.

9. Greg Stillson, New Hampshire Congressman, The Dead Zone, Stephen King.

Oh, Congressman Stillson, what can I say about you, apart from “stay the hell away from me”? Congressman Stillson may have been the first fictional politician I ever encountered, during my marathon reading of the works of Stephen King. I was too young to appreciate his vile “viper* in human form” qualities, and was surprised all over again when I finally picked up the book as an adult. (*I actually like vipers, a lot more than I like Greg Stillson. It’s just a good shorthand for his spiteful awfulness.) This is the kind of man who makes our real-world politicians look good. The version of Stillson presented by the television version of The Dead Zone is a different kind of monster, but is no less interesting, and no less terrible for being somewhat humanized by the ongoing demands of the serial drama format. Both of them will give you nightmares, and quite rightly. (more…)

2012 Goodreads Choice Awards

The first round of voting is open for the 2012 Goodreads Choice Awards! Check out the nominees and vote for your favorites. We’re pleased to see a bunch of Orbit books on the ballot, in a variety of categories.



  • THE KING’S BLOOD by Daniel Abraham (US | UK | ANZ)
  • THE TRAITOR QUEEN by Trudi Canavan (US | UK | ANZ)
  • THE KILLING MOON by N.K. Jemisin (US | UK | ANZ)
  • PERCEPLIQUIS by Michael J. Sullivan. The final book of the Riyria Revelations from HEIR OF NOVRON [US | UK | ANZ])
  • THE BLINDING KNIFE by Brent Weeks (US | UK | ANZ)

Paranormal Fantasy


  • THIRTEEN by Kelley Armstrong (UK)
  • TIMELESS by Gail Carriger (US | UK | ANZ)
  • TRICKED by Kevin Hearne (UK | ANZ)

Science Fiction


  • CALIBAN’S WAR by James S.A. Corey (US | UK | ANZ)



  • BLACKOUT by Mira Grant (US | UK | ANZ)

Graphic Novels and Comics

  • SOULLESS, The Manga Vol 1 by Gail Carriger (US | UK | AUS)

Ding Dong!: What the House of Comarré Characters Will be Handing Out To Trick-or-Treaters.

OUT FOR BLOOD by Kristen Painter4As Halloween approaches, so does the need for many of us to stock up on candy and other assorted treats in order to successfully bribe the neighborhood children into not TP-ing our houses or soaping our cars.

Paradise City is no different. Okay, maybe it’s a little different considering many of the inhabitants are creatures most likely to become Halloween costumes. Doesn’t mean they’re not in the Halloween spirit, though! Should you go trick-or-treating in Paradise City, here’s what my characters will be filling your goody bag with:

1. Malkolm, vampire – Let’s be honest. You can knock all you want. Mal’s not opening the door. If he does? Run.

2. Chrysabelle, comarré – If you can actually make it onto the private island where she lives, then past her estate’s security gates, you deserve a treat. Chrysabelle’s treats are the uber expensive Amedei Porcelana dark chocolate bars. She’ll then send someone along with you to make sure you don’t run into trouble the rest of the night.

3. Doc, varcolai (leopard-shifter) – Since juicy steaks are liable to ruin your other treats, Doc’s handing out packages of locally made gator jerky. Try it. You’ll like it. It bites back.

4. Fi, sometimes ghost – With Fi’s sense of humor, she’ll be stuffing your goody bag full of gummy spiders, severed finger cookies and skeleton bone lollipops. If you think that’s gross, you should see her ghost form. Mal’s the one who killed her, you know…

5. Dominic, vampire – Ever the entrepreneur, Dominic will be handing out coins good for one free entrance to Seven, his night club. Note I said entrance. Getting out of Seven is up to you.

6. Creek, Kubai Mata agent – Halloween isn’t really Creek’s thing, but his grandmother, Rosa Mae Jumper, has stepped in to help, providing him with enough raven feather charms for everyone. Put yours on immediately. You never know who might be trying to steal your soul.

7. Tatiana, evil vampiress – If you happen to be in the hidden city of Corvinestri, Romania and you’re unfortunate enough to knock on Tatiana’s door, that will probably be your last stop of the night. See, Tatiana isn’t known for her hospitality, but she loves humans. Mostly as a snack. On the off chance she does put something in your bag…trust me, the apple’s poison.

As you can see, the House of Comarré characters are an interesting bunch with different takes on the meaning of treat. If you want to see them in action, check out the next book in the series, OUT FOR BLOOD (UK | US | AUS), which is available now!

OUT FOR BLOOD – The Wait is Over!!

OUT FOR BLOOD by Kristen Painter4After the first three explosive books in the House of Comarré series were released three months in a row, waiting a whole ten months for the next installment was pure TORTURE. But the time has finally come! Orbit is very excited to be releasing OUT FOR BLOOD (UK | US | AUS) this fall, book four in the House of Comarré series by Kristen Painter.

After nearly dying at the hands of the Aurelian, Chrysabelle finds new determination to move beyond life as a comarré. That is until the Kubai Mata bring a new task to her doorstep: rescue the child Tatiana has kidnapped, or Mal becomes enemy number one.

Magic, trouble, loss, and love (and of course the verydelectable Mal) await you in this fabulous next installment from Kristen Painter.  Enjoy and then join me in the count down (eight months until book five, eight months until book five, eight months until book five!)

Praise for the House of Comarré:

“Prophecy, curses, and devilish machination combine for a spellbinding debut of dark romance and pulse-pounding adventure.” — Library Journal (Starred Review)

“Painter scores with this one.  Passion and murder, vampires and courtesans — original and un-put-downable.  Do yourself a favor and read this one.” — Patricia Briggs, New York Times bestselling author

“Kristen Painter brings a sultry new voice to the vampire genre, one that beckons with quiet passion and intrigue.” — L.A. Banks, New York Times bestselling author of The Vampire Huntress Legends series

Check out the rest of the series!



STRAY SOULS by Kate Griffin: One Missing Soul, One Big Problem…

“Don’t look back. It wants you to look back.

It’s not every day that London’s soul goes missing.

Yet this is exactly what happens in Kate Griffin’s superb new urban fantasy novel STRAY SOULS [UK | US | ANZ], out this month in paperback and ebook. The first book in Kate’s new Magicals Anonymous series, STRAY SOULS is set in the same ‘parallel and eldritch capital’ (SFX) as her critically acclaimed Matthew Swift novels.

While the Midnight Mayor himself makes an appearance, it’s very much Sharon Li – barista and shaman – who must take on the responsibility of tracking down London’s elusive soul and preventing the city from sliding towards its inevitable demise. Fortunately she’s got her friends from Magicals Anonymous – a self-help group for people with magical issues – to help her in the hunt.

To celebrate the release of STRAY SOULS, Kate will be appearing this evening at our multi-author signing at London’s Forbidden Planet.

Praise for Kate Griffin:

Shatteringly excellent’ – SCIFI NOW

‘Neverwhere for the digital age’ – SFX

‘Griffin weaves a powerful literary spell that continues to dazzle with its genius and its heart’ – ROB WILL REVIEW

‘You should be reading everything Griffin puts her pen to’ – FANTASY BOOK REVIEW

Kate Griffin can be found online at her website, where she maintains an active blog.