Trick or Treat! Tis the season for ghouls, goblins, and ghosts and toady we’re tackling the question who is the ultimate urban fantasy fighter. Representing vampire kind is Gail Z. Martin, and speaking for the werewolves is Amanda Carlson. Round 1: fight!
Today’s urban fantasy teems with just about every ghoulie, ghostie and long-leggedy beastie that ever crawled out of the shadows. But for my money, I’ll back a vampire for being the ultimate urban fighter every time.
Vampires have both speed and stealth. Werewolves tend to need to make a trade-off between the two. It’s hard to be furry and stealthy at the same time, but if you’re looking human, you probably can’t muster wolf speed.
Unlike some ghosts, vampires are not tethered to a particular place, and they have no problem interacting with physical objects, which is a problem for most ghosts unless they have poltergeist tendencies.
Vampires also have strength and a long existence in which to perfect their fighting techniques. Werewolves are certainly strong, but not as long-lived. Demons are a bit of a wild card since their capabilities vary so widely, but they are often limited in some way because they are from a realm other than our own. Vampires, being former mortals, are solidly of this world.
A vampire’s ability to pass among mortals unnoticed is one of his greatest strengths as an urban fantasy fighter. So long as a vampire can adapt to changing social mores, fashions and speech patterns, he’s got a definite advantage in his ability to move through a crowded city without anyone being the wiser. The limitation of requiring shelter at night is much less of a problem in a large city where the streets are crowded at all hours and many people are nocturnal.
The vampire ability to heal quickly certainly helps, although it’s something that both werewolves and demons tend to have in common. But vampires benefit from not losing themselves to bloodlust during their time of the month, or having the awkward need to change shape. A vampire’s “true form” isn’t at risk of being exposed, only his true nature.
For my money, vampires are the ultimate stealth fighter, easily camouflaged in urban settings, able to use that setting to their advantage.
About the author: Gail Z. Martin is the author of ICE FORGED (US | UK | AUS) in The Ascendant Kingdoms Saga and the upcoming REIGN OF ASH (US | UK | AUS). Find her at, and follow her Days of the Dead blog tour this week!

There’s no doubt in my mind that a werewolf could win a fight against any supernatural out there. They are at the very top of the supe food chain and here’s why:
1. They are super strong. In a fight to the death, they have you in strength every single time. Plus they’re sneaky. Couple that with powerful muscles and you’re down and out before you know it.
2. Their claws are like knives. One slash to the heart or the jugular and you’re finished. Vampires don’t stand a chance. Look out witches. Don’t even think about it demons. If you get too close, you will be a goner.
3. Their teeth will tear you apart. In their wolf form they have no rival. Who can best a beast with razor sharp teeth out for your blood? Nobody, that’s who!
4. They can run faster than any other supe, especially in when they’re in their four legged form. They can and will catch you. There is no out.
5. If they decide to turn on the charm, they can seduce you like no other. Werewolves are sexy beasts: virile, hot and full of life. If you don’t fall to their teeth, or claws, your heart will fall instantly under their spell. Then before you know it, you’re defeated.
So, if you’re looking for the Ultimate Urban Fantasy Fighter, look no further. A werewolf has enough power to kick any supernatural ass a thousand times over. If you’re not rooting for the wolf, you’re rooting for the wrong team.
Amanda Carlson
About the author: Amanda Carlson is the author of the Jessica McClain novels. Find out more about Amanda at and check out her latest novel COLD BLOODED (US | UK | AUS).
Fur or fangs? Which side will you choose? Or is there someone…or something out there that has the edge on both? You decide in the comments below, and be sure to check out ICE FORGED (US | UK | AUS) and FULL BLOODED (US | UK| AUS).