I’m very excited to launch a cover I’ve been noodling with (yes, “noodling” is an acceptable design term) for a while now. Sometimes you get the elements of a cover set and you just keep working on it and working on it and playing with the elements, swapping stuff in and out, polishing it all in photoshop, etc. until you get the right balance. The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham is an epic fantasy in every sense of the term, and I wanted the cover to feel, you know, EPIC. A sense of history, the ominous threat of storms – and armies – growing on the horizon.
The cool thing about the world of The Dragon’s Path is that the titular dragons are part of the ancient past of the current civilization — without giving too much away, I’d say it’s kind of like imagining that the Roman Emperors had been dragons, and so much history has passed that all that is left is artifacts (like, say, a sword), myths, and folklore that some people believe and others doubt. And of course now, there is an ominous threat of history perhaps not being quite as dead and buried as was hoped.