Want to see more Dresden Files on TV?

The Dresden Files television series was shown earlier this year in both the UK and the US (on Sky One and the Sci-Fi Channel respectively). This was a fantastic treat for the many fans of Jim Butcher’s books. Of course, we’ve all been eagerly anticipating more, but the future now looks rather uncertain, as despite good ratings and great reviews, commissioning of a second series has still to be confirmed.

But there is still something we can do — it’s not too late (yet)! Those helpful fans at Dresden City have put together a simple and helpful guide on how to keep the series alive, with details on exactly how to:

  1. Write snail mail letters to those most directly responsible for programming at the Sci-Fi Channel and Lionsgate
  2. Call the Sci-Fi Channel feedback line
  3. Let everyone online know your love for the show

More on the subject can be found here and of course check Jim Butcher’s official site for masses of Harry Dresden info and more.

Thanks for your support — you know it’s worth it!

Karen Miller Interview

The Innocent Mage book jacketKaren Miller, whose bestselling debut novel The Innocent Mage was published by Orbit UK in April and will be published by Orbit US in September, has been interviewed by Sandy Auden at www.uksfbooknews.net.

It’s a deceptively simple story that hides layers of depth and allows the author to explore a host of intense themes. “There’s love, hate, revenge, and sacrifice for starters, and the price of fighting for what you know is right. Then there’s the fact that nothing important comes for free; that people can be hateful but still have value; and that it’s not the gifts you’re born with, but what you do with them that counts. And not forgetting: friendship isn’t easy, but it’s always important.”

You can read the rest of the interview here.

Learning From Our Four-Colour Colleagues

Interesting commentary here from US writer Edward Champion’s blog. He’s noted the success of the comic industry’s Free Comic Book Day, and wonders whether the book trade shouldn’t follow suit.

We already have World Book Day with free £1 book tokens and specially produced £1 books, and it seems to work very well, but if we removed the world ‘World’ and replaced it with ‘Free’, might it work even better . . . ?

Heart of the Mirage Preview

Heart of the Mirage by Glenda LarkeNext month sees Orbit’s publication of Heart of the Mirage by Glenda Larke. Born and raised in the Australian outback, Glenda has travelled the world and has spent the last 30 years living in Malaysia. Passionate and down-to-earth, she has dedicated her life to conservation and actively supports other writers.

Glenda’s writing has won acclaim from many of her peers. Kate Elliott writes: “I adore the rich landscapes, the complicated and believable characters who deal with life as real people not as caricatures, and the storylines that join thoughtful explorations of human nature with exciting, robust adventure. I will read anything she writes.” Russell Kirkpatrick describes her work as “powerful, down to earth and filled with the sharpness of the true storyteller”. Finally, Karen Miller says: “Words just don’t do her justice, really . . . If you haven’t read Glenda’s wonderful fantasy novels, you’re missing out on a treat.”

You can sample the first chapter of Heart of the Mirage here.

Debatable Spaces

Philip Palmer

Philip Palmer
(photo: Charlie Hopkinson)

In January 2008, we’re publishing Debatable Space, a debut novel by Philip Palmer. Subtitled ‘a tale of revenge and revolution’, it’s a space opera of extraordinary imagination, a brilliantly plotted revenge novel, and a vividly realised future history.

It is being published by Orbit on both sides of the Atlantic, and is beginning to attract praise from readers — award winning SF writer Jon Courtenay Grimwood describes it as: “well written, fast moving and defiantly weird in places — definitely a new voice worth listening to.”

Philip Palmer’s official website has launched this week. You can learn more about Philip’s life as a soldier of fortune, lover, murder detective, military interrogator, forensic pathologist and captain of a pirate spaceship, follow his blog, and read an extract from Debatable Space.

Chaos Theory

Dark Space by Marianne de PierresHot on the heels of the publication of Dark Space, Marianne de Pierres has decided on a title for the second book in the Sentients of Orion series: Chaos Space. With chaos theory at the heart of her new space opera, it’s an elegant and appropriate title, and we can’t believe it never occurred to us before.

But let’s not forget about book one! Dark Space continues to draw rave reviews from all corners of the SF world. Like these, for instance, at SFF World and Specusphere, not to mention this interview, also at SFF World.