Orbit Links for August 15 2008

Welcome to our latest weekly round-up post of links to Orbit authors’ activities elsewhere on the WWW:

As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)

In Their Own Words: Jennifer Fallon on the WOLFBLADE TRILOGY

Jennifer Says:

Wolfblade by Jennifer Fallon, UK paperbackWarrior by Jennifer Fallon, UK paperbackWarlord by Jennifer Fallon, UK paperback

The Wolfblade Trilogy is about power, about love and about politics and how hard it is to separate the three. But it is also a prequel to the Demon Child Trilogy that I did not originally plan to write. So when I set to work creating the Wolfblade Trilogy (Wolfblade, Warrior and Warlord) it nearly made my head explode, writing a story that seamlessly fit the other series.

Because I had to create so many new characters who didn’t appear in the Demon Child Trilogy, but whose absence in the other series needed to be explained, for almost a year and a half on the whiteboard in my office was a list entitled “These People Must Die” with the names of all the characters I had to get rid of by the end of Warlord to explain why they never turned up in the Demon Child Trilogy.

On the upside, when my air-conditioner broke down, and the repairman came to fix it, he saw the “These People Must Die” list – a number of which had been crossed out by then – on the whiteboard and assured me nervously: ‘Don’t worry, ma’am. I’ll fix it real good. I’m not going to end up on your list.’

I hope you enjoy the Wolfblade Trilogy. And as you read it, if you’ve already read the Demon Child Trilogy, see if you can spot who was on the list other than the air-conditioning guy…

The first two instalments in Jennifer Fallon‘s Wolfblade Trilogy, Wolfblade and Warrior are out now from Orbit UK. The conclusion to the series, Warlord will be published in September 2008.

Find out more about Jennifer Fallon and her writing over at her official website, www.jenniferfallon.com and keep up with all the latest news on her regularly-updated blog.

Charles Stross is GoH at MeCon 2008, August 29th-31st

Saturn's Children by Charles Stross UK hbThe eleventh annual MeCon convention takes place at Queen’s University Student Union in the city of Belfast from the 29th-31st August this year, and the Guest of Honour will be Orbit’s very own Charles Stross.

Charles will be taking part in a variety of events and readings over the course of the weekend, details of which can be found on the MeCon website.

MeCon’s other guests this year include authors Michael Carroll, Ian McDonald and C.E. Murphy, plus comics artists Paul J Holden and John McCrea.

In Their Own Words: Jennifer Rardin on BITTEN TO DEATH

Jennifer says:

Bitten to Death by Jennifer Rardin, US paperbackBitten to Death is a love story. Sometimes it’s twisted. And a little sick. And there are parts you shouldn’t read while eating. But it faces the fact that sometimes people fall so hard they want to fold the objects of their affections into origami swans and lock them in cedar boxes forever. (No, that doesn’t literally occur in BTD, but you’ll get what I mean by the end.)

Of course my books are also all about the assassination. When you’ve based your operations in a Vampere community, however, you’ve created a dilemma. Namely, which ubercreep should you smoke first? The serial killer who greets you at the door? The snappy dresser who calls for your head before he even gets your name? The ally who may be just as evil as your target? Or Edward ‘The Raptor’ Samos, the guy you’ve been chasing forever? Decisions, decisions…

Read an Extract!

In Their Own Words: Ken MacLeod on THE NIGHT SESSIONS

Ken says:

The Night Sessions UK HardbackThe Night Sessions is a crime novel set in 2037. It’s also an SF novel that asks the question: what if we finally got fed up with the influence of religion on politics, education, and law, and decided to drive it out of these areas for good?

We wouldn’t get the consequences we intended – quite apart from the blowback of faith-based terrorism that drives the plot of the book. The cops (there’s a reason why it’s regular beat cops, and not the army or the secret police) who enforced the reforms could be warped by the experience. Even years later, when they’re Detective Inspectors.

Besides, you can’t have an Edinburgh detective without a dark past. It’s the law.

The book also has robots, space elevators, presbyterian terrorists, a creation science park and a gothic lolita secret policeman.

And Russians. Sinister Russians. In Leith.

These are some of the reasons why I think you might like this book.

Multpile award-winner and award-nominee (he’s been shortlisted for the Arthur C. Clarke Awards no fewer than five times) Ken MacLeod‘s new novel, The Night Sessions, is out now from Orbit UK in hardback. You can read an extract over at fantasybookspot.com.

Visit Ken’s blog, The Early Days of a Better Nation for more of Ken’s thoughts on a whole range of topics related to his writing, interests and the major themes of his work.

In Their Own Words: Jacqueline Carey on KUSHIEL’S SCION

Jacqueline says:

Kushiel's Scion UK pbAt heart, Kushiel’s Scion is a simple coming-of-age tale – one that just happens to feature a boy with a treasonous mother, a perilously attractive foster-mother and an impossibly heroic foster-father. Oh, and a childhood based on lies, a terrible abduction and long months of torment in captivity that would have crushed a lesser spirit. Imriel de la Courcel comes into his story with a lot more baggage than the ordinary protagonist, and the essence of Kushiel’s Scion is about his struggle to transcend it.

It’s also about the redemptive power of love in all its forms, intrigue, trust, betrayal, possession, war, and the true meaning of heroism. And sex, lots of sex. There’s something here for everyone to enjoy!

Kushiel’s Scion, the first part of Jacqueline Carey‘s Treason’s Heir series, is out now in paperback from Orbit UK.

Visit www.jacquelinecarey.com for more information her writing, and to read an extract from Kushiel’s Scion. You can also join her emailing list to be kept up-to-date with all the latest developments.

In Their Own Words: Philip Palmer on DEBATABLE SPACE

Philip says:

Debatable Space pbSpace pirates, exotic aliens, battles in outer space, exploding stars, and characters we care about and love or hate (or both) and secretly or not so secretly want to be.

Those were the elements I wanted to include in Debatable Space. I think of it as a rocket fired through the reader’s imagination.

The several narrators of Debatable Space – the pirate crew who steal and pillage and murder and endeavour to save the universe – are like a family to me. Which means, sometimes annoying! But always my family.

And Lena is my favourite of all the characters I’ve ever created. She has many flaws, and one redeeming feature; she is vividly alive.

Debatable Space is Philip Palmer‘s gloriously mind-mashing debut space opera and is out now in paperback from Orbit UK and large paperback from Orbit US (the regular paperback will be published in the US on September 1st). Click here to read an extract.

You can catch up with the latest news from Philip Palmer at www.philippalmer.net, where he regularly blogs about his writing (screenplays and radio-plays as well as prose), the movies he’s seen, the books he’s read… all sorts of good stuff.

Orbit Links for August 08 2008

It’s the eighth day of the eighth month of the eight year of the century and the Olympic Games are kicking off (if that’s even vaguely the right term) in Beijing. But you guys don’t care about all that running and jumping and swimming and stuff, do you? No! What you really want is your weekly dose of Orbit Author links:

As ever and always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)

P.S. A quick note on last week’s links round-up. I’m pretty sure I posted it at lunchtime on Friday, but at some point during the week it seems to have been relegated back to the bench and reverted to draft status. I’ve dug it out of the ‘pending’ file and reinstated it to its proper place, which would be here, in case you missed it… DT

Press Release – Orbit US


Scoundrels! Grave-robbers! Spinsters! Heiresses! Hot on the heels of its decision to double the size of its list in the US, Orbit welcomes four new stars of fantasy fiction.

Orbit is pleased to announce the upcoming releases of four new books from four new stars of fantasy fiction: BEST SERVED COLD by Joe Abercrombie (June 2009); THE SAD TALE OF THE BROTHERS GROSSBART by Jesse Bullington (Sept. 2009); SOULLESS by Gail Carriger (Nov. 2009); and THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS by N.K. Jemisin (Sept. 2009). (more…)

Show your Facebook Fandom to win a copy of DEBATABLE SPACE

Debatable Space pbCalling all Facebook users: we’re running another ‘Sign up as a Fan’ competition through August, this time offering a chance to win one of a dozen signed paperback copies of Philip Palmer‘s wonderfully brain-mashing debut space opera Debatable Space [UK / US], which is officially out today in the UK and will be published in the US on September 1st (click here to read an extract).

The rules of the competition are simple: there will be four draws, taking place at lunchtime-ish (UK time) on Friday 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th August, with three copies of the book to be won in each draw. You’ll be entered for the draw if you’re a fully signed-up and confirmed Fan of Philip Palmer’s Debatable Space Page on Facebook at the time the draw takes place.

So there’s an obvious early-mover advantage to be had here: sign up as a Fan before tomorrow lunchtime’s draw and you’ll be entered in all four (which is also the case if you’re already a Fan, of course!)

Full rules, regs etc. (not that there’s really much more to add) can be found here.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a chance to win!