Going home.
I am no longer sure why I am writing this blog. I don’t know who I’m writing it to, or who it’s for. It isn’t for me. I know that. I suppose it’s so that someone knows what happened, but that means nothing to me, either. Who are all of you, anyway? Who am I to you, or you to me? I have lost all perspective to say whether it matters or not.
My wife and I have been fighting nearly constantly in the past days. I’ve been sleeping on the couch. We’d fight about things I don’t even understand. She would talk of events and times that had no meaning to me. And when I tried to talk about better times, times I want things to be like again, she’d stare at me as though I was insane.
Then today I got several voicemails from Dan. His voice was raspy and strange and distant, as though the call was coming from far, far away. On the other side of the world, maybe. It was hard to tell what he was saying, and often it sounded like he was trying to keep his voice down. At the start of the first one it sounded like he was running, maybe running from something. (more…)