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Gail Carriger on PRUDENCE

To celebrate the occasion of Prudence’s grand debut, Lilith Saintcrow interviews Gail Carriger about her upcoming new series, the Custard Protocol!

Purchase PRUDENCE (US | UK | AUS), book one of the Custard Protocol, wherever books are sold.

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Cover Launch: COMPETENCE by Gail Carriger

Gail Carriger is back with another delightful Custard Protocal book. This time we follow Primrose Tunstell who’s been accidentally abandoned in Singapore! Thankfully she’s got a gorgeous cover to console her.

The action and adventure kick off on July 17th  …

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Gail Carriger

New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger writes to cope with being raised in obscurity by an expatriate Brit and an incurable curmudgeon. She escaped small town life and inadvertently acquired several degrees in Higher Learning. Ms Carriger then traveled …

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Houston Hi-jinx!

Tweet-log of  Gabriella Gossip, Houston’s top social columnist-on-the-move. She snarks directly at the source, so you don’t have to! Last Saturday, we sent Gabriella to check out some of the hottest writers in the hottest new genre around . .

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Gail Carriger’s British Debut…

We are hereby exceptionally proud to announce that Gail Carriger’s exquisitely charming Parasol Protectorate series has finally found its way to the seat of the empire – the green and pleasant lands of the British Isles. Delivered via dirigible direct …

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Cover Launch: HEARTLESS by Gail Carriger!

Well, as you can tell from the infrequency of the postings from the Art Dept since the holidays, it’s been craaaaaazy busy here. Our Fall/Winter 2012 covers are due in 3 weeks, and we’re killing ourselves bringing you the coolest …

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