Where can I find more information about the Expanse?
TIAMAT’S WRATH is on-sale this week in hardcover, e-book, and audio formats.
Purchase in the US: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | Google Play | iBooks | Indiebound | Kobo | Chapters
Purchase in the UK: Amazon | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo | Waterstones | More Stores
We’re sure you’ll have questions after reading the eighth and penultimate novel of the Expanse series. Chiefly, “When is the next book, Orbit!?” Well, we can’t tell you that yet, but we can tell you about the new Expanse FAQ we created to answer all your frequently asked questions. Check it out and bookmark the page while you’re there. The explosive ending of the bestselling Expanse series is one you’re NOT going to want to miss.