March Events
Friday, March 15: Gail Z. Martin @ Lunacon, Rye Brook, NY
March 20-21: Marlene Perez @ Kennesaw State University Conference on Literature for Children and Young Adults, Kennesaw, GA
March 21-24: N.K. Jemisin and Mira Grant @ Vericon, Cambridge, MA
March 22-24: Gail Z. Martin @ Arizona Renaissance Festival, Gold Canyon, AZ
Thursday, March 28: Francis Knight at Fantasy in the Court, Goldsboro Books, London, 6 PM
Thursday, March 28: Amanda Downum @ Dragon’s Lair Comics, Austin, TX, 7 PM
March 29-30: Jaye Wells @ Dreamin’ in Dallas, Richardson, TX
March 29 – April 1: Eastercon, Bradford. Walter Jon Williams is a Guest of Honor; also attending will be Michael Cobley, Francis Knight, and Simon Morden.
March 29 – April 1: Swancon, Perth. Charles Stross is the International Guest; also attending will be Glenda Larke.