Interview with Uri
In honor of my Days of the Dead blog tour, I’d like to introduce you to one of my vayash moru (vampire) characters from the Chronicles of the Necromancer and Fallen Kings series. Vayash moru play an important part in my books, aiding–and sometimes opposing–Tris Drayke and Jonmarc Vahanian.
Here, I’d like to introduce you to Lord Uri, a member of the Blood Council. In life, he was a thief and a card sharp, and in death his ethics have been questioned even by others on the Blood Council. He is not overly fond of mortals, especially not Jonmarc Vahanian, with whom he has repeatedly sparred verbally.
Q: What has immortality taught you?
A: Mortals never learn. This creates great opportunity for those who do.
Q: You have repeatedly shown disdain for Jonmarc Vahanian, yet in the end, you have grudgingly chosen to side with him rather than against him. Why?
A: Jonmarc Vahanian annoys me. I knew his kind quite well when I was mortal. And while he made a lot of money for me when I bet on hi back when he was a Nargi fight slave, I find him arrogant in his abilities. But I have to admit, he is good at fighting. And after last year’s vayash moru insurrection, I find myself owing him–a damnable situation.
Q: Like most of the Blood Council, you chose to ally with the mortals of the Winter Kingdoms against the Temnottan invaders. Why?
A: In this, the living and the undead have common cause. Temnotta will not be a kind master if the northern forces prevail. I endured far too much of that kind of oppression in Nargi to serve another such master. Once again, to my great annoyance, I find Jonmarc Vahanian and I to be on the same side.
Q: What is your biggest disappointment about immortality?
A: That despite superior strength and speed, my kind still fall prey so easily to those who would destroy us.
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