THE FOURTH WALL cover launch
The enigmatic Dagmar Shaw returns in Walter Jon Williams’ THE FOURTH WALL, an exhilarating near-future thriller due for release in February 2012.
This striking cover art visual, from our designer Sean Garrehy, perfectly encapsulates the tension and sense of paranoia that the novel invokes.
If you’ve not yet been exposed to the frenetic action of a Walter Jon Williams thriller, then you’ve got time to see what you’ve been missing before THE FOURTH WALL is released. THIS IS NOT A GAME (UK | US | ANZ) and DEEP STATE (UK | US | ANZ) are both available in paperback.
Walter Jon Williams is a New York Times bestselling author and has been nominated multiple times for the Hugo and Nebula awards.
Here’s some praise for his Dagmar Shaw novels:
Powerful ideas, brilliantly executed . . . you should take this as a recommendation” – Charles Stross
“An eerily prophetic thriller” – SFX
“With admirable topicality, DEEP STATE concerns the fomenting of revolution against an repressive regime using modern networked communications” – Telegraph