Eat, Slay, Love
Eat, Slay, Love is one of my favorite titles to date! I think it captures the book — a novel of zombies –perfectly.
Sarah and David have survived the zombie apocalypse. They stood side by side and fought the undead, mad scientists, and even bionic monsters until the unthinkable happened. A zombie bite. But not even that could stop them. Now, with a possible cure in hand, they’re headed east, looking for a safe zone behind the rumored “Wall.” They’re feeling pretty optimistic.
That is until Dave stops sleeping and starts lifting huge objects.
Eat. Slay. Love.
Because they haven’t got a prayer.
Eat, Slay, Love is the third book in the Jesse Petersen’s Living With the Dead series. We published Married with Zombies and Flip This Zombie last fall. Jesse also has a short fiction, Shambling with the Dead, over at Orbit Short Fiction.
And if you ever wanted to find out if you would survive the zombie apocalypse — take Jesse’s Quiz!