Busy publication week for Iain M. Banks
Mr Banks has had a busy publication week for Surface Detail – and he’s not going to be relaxing any time soon! He spent last week being interviewed by all sorts of national and regional press – appropriately including the New Scientist and BBC TV filming him at the Science Museum.
Iain’s first event on the eve of publication at the Round House was a sell out, and he answered the audience’s questions for nearly 2 hours! Then on Thursday he signed for a great crowd at Forbidden Planet.
If you haven’t managed to attend any of the events so far, Forbidden Planet, Blackwells in London and Foyles all have signed first editions of Surface Detail (though probably not for long!)
And the tour doesn’t end there…
@Waterstones are doing a twinterview with Iain on Tues 19th October – tweet them your questions! #mbanks
Waterstone’s Edinburgh, Tues 12th October
Waterstone’s Glasgow, Wed 13th
Waterstone’s Deansgate, Thurs 14th
Morley Literature Festival in Leeds, Fri 15th
Cheltenham Literature Festival, Sat 16th and Sun 17th
Waterstone’s Salisbury, Mon 18th
Luton Central Library, Tues 19th
The Chepstow Bookshop, Wed 20th
City Books in Bexhill, Thurs 21st
Toppings Bath, Mon 1st November
Forbidden Planet Bristol, Tues 2nd (plus they’ll have signed copies of Surface Detail for BristolCon a few days later)
Toppings Ely, Tues 2nd
Heffer’s Cambridge, Wed 3rd
Waterstone’s Norwich, Wed 3rd
Guest of Honour at Novacon, 12th-14th Nov
Lennoxlove Book Festival, 21st Nov
Waterstone’s Sterling, 27th Nov