Comic-Con Is Upon Us!
Comic-Con San Diego is right around the corner! If you’re attending, be sure to stop by the Orbit US booth (#1116) throughout the convention for signings and giveaways, and mark your day planner with the events below to meet our authors.
And if you’re in the San Diego area but didn’t get a pass to Comic-Con – don’t fear! The reading on Sunday with Brent Weeks, Brandon Sanderson, and Patrick Rothfuss is open to all. Full schedule and all the details after the jump!
Thursday July 22:
1:30 to 2:30 PM, Once Upon a Time Panel: Room 24ABC
Brent Weeks (THE NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY) will discuss “Epic Fantasy, Bigger Than Life Heroes/Heroines” with fellow authors Christopher Paolini, Lynn Flewelling, Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, and Tad Williams. An autographing will follow.
Friday July 23:
11-12 PM Orbit Booth #1116:
Mira Grant will be signing copies of her new novel, FEED. The first 50 visitors will get a complimentary copy of the book.
2-3 PM Orbit Booth #1116:
Brent Weeks will be signing copies of THE WAY OF SHADOWS. The first 50 visitors will get a complimentary copy of the book and a signed BLACK PRISM bookmark.
Saturday, July 24:
11 AM PDT to 12 Noon, Room 7AB.
Mira Grant (FEED) will be on the panel “Reading with Brains: The Rise and Unrelenting Stamina of Zombie Fiction.” This panel, noted by as a not-to-be-missed Comic-Con moment, also includes Amelia Beamer, Max Brooks, Seth Grahame-Smith, Walter Greatshell, Jonathan Maberry, Ryan Mecum, John Skipp, and Joan Frances Turner. Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy will moderate, and an autographing will follow.
2-3 PM Orbit Booth #1116:
Brent Weeks will be signing copies of THE WAY OF SHADOWS. The first 50 visitors will get a complimentary copy of the book and a signed BLACK PRISM bookmark.
3:30-5 PM Room PR J
Orbit Creative Director Lauren Panepinto will be on hand to review portfolios either in printed or digital format in the portfolio review section. Please bring a postcard or business card with your contact info and/or website for her to add to the Orbit files. And be sure to visit the Comic-Con portfolio review page to sign up in advance – spots will fill up!
Sunday, July 25
3:00 PM Borders #362 (Map)
At this point, we’re all going to be worn out and ready to get off the floor, so come by the Borders just down the street from the convention center (map) to meet three of the most talked-about new fantasy authors at work today. DAW’s Patrick Rothfuss (THE NAME OF THE WIND), Tor’s Brandon Sanderson (THE WAY OF KINGS), and Orbit’s Brent Weeks (THE NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY) will each read a short selection from one of his fellow authors’ work, followed by a Q & A and signing. The event will be moderated by Ace’s Anton Strout (DEAD TO ME), and we are positive a good time will be had by all. It’s just a few blocks from the convention center, so we hope to see you there!