Oz Antips Wish You A Very Merry Christmas!
While you’re all hunkering down against the cold in the Northern Hem, we’re shedding clothes and lounging around under fans. As I write this xmas post, it’s 32 degrees C and humid at 9 am.
Seems like a good time of day to be reflecting on the Antipodean Year That Was, before I have to retire under the sun umbrella with a pink gin.
It’s been a good year South of the Border. January saw the release of HAMMER OF GOD by Karen Miller and DESTINY OF THE DEAD by the ever-popular Ian Irvine. Following this, in February, was the much-awaited THE MAGICIAN’S APPRENTICE by TRUDI CANAVAN (I had the great pleasure of launching this book at the Aurealis Awards). May saw the conclusion to SEAN WILLIAMS mindbending Astropolis series, with GRAND CONJUNCTION garnering rave reviews.
The prolific and talented KAREN MILLER was published in July as her alter ego, K.E. MILLS, with the release of WITCHES INC, and AGAIN in August with THE PRODIGAL MAGE.
November bought MIRROR SPACE (ahem . . . have you got it on your xmas list yet?) by Yours Truly. And in December, a triple bonanza of DESTINY OF THE DEAD by Ian Irvine, FULL CIRCLE by PAMELA FREEMAN (a favourite of mine), and BEYOND THE WALL OF TIME by Russell (Kiwi) Kirkpatrick. The Australian only release of SAM BOWRING’S brand new fantasy PROPHECY’S RUIN completed the year’s feast of reading.
We’ve worked hard this year and we hope that it’s been for your enjoyment. Thank you for supporting and participating in our creative endeavours. And to our much-loved Orbit staff . . . ‘put your feet up over the break and read a good book!’
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Marianne de Pierres