Iain M. Banks and Mike Carey: GoH at Eastercon 2010
Odyssey 2010 – the next-but-one reincarnation of the annual Eastercon British National Science Fiction Convention – have announced that two of their Guests of Honour will be Orbit authors Iain M. Banks and Mike Carey.
It’s far too early for detailed programming, but as well as the traditional GoH interviews, Iain and Mike are bound to be involved in a number of panels, discussions and general bar-talk during the four-day convention, which in 2010 will return to the London Heathrow Radisson Edwardian; scene of this year’s Orbital 2008 event.
Other Guests of Honour announced for Eastercon 2010 include British SF authors Alastair Reynolds and Liz Williams, along with Artist Guest of Honour Carlos Ezquerra, and Fan Guests of Honour Jon and Fran Dowd (all Guest of Honour appearances are subject to work and other commitments).
For more information, see www.Odyssey2010.org.