Orbit Links for December 19th 2008
Hello and welcome to the last Orbit Links round-up of 2008. Lots to tell you about this week, so – with but a brief segue to wish all our readers a happy, healthy and utterly book-filled holiday season – here we go:
- Fantasy Book Critic presents a 2008 review & 2009 preview from Kevin J. Anderson.
- Over at his Neth Space blog, Ken takes a look at R. Scott Bakker‘s forthcoming fantasy opus The Judging Eye and declares Bakker’s writing to be “nothing short of excellence”.
- Marie Brennan explores the fantasy genre’s fascination with monarchy in her latest column for SFNovelists.com. And RobotsAndVamps.com has posted a quick review of Midnight Never Come.
- SFFWorld.com has posted Rob Bedford’s review of Orphan’s Alliance by Robert Buettner and Robert reveals the cover and publication date for the fifth book in the Jason Wander series, Orphan’s Triumph.
- Blogger Graeme Flory re-traces his steps to re-visit Fool Moon, the second book in Jim Butcher‘s Dresden Files series, for his Graeme’s Fantasy Book Reviews blog, whilst Gav at NextRead posts a round-up review of the next three books.
- Mike Carey has written a Best of 2008 piece for the Forbidden Planet International blog.
- Reviewer Mark Chitty was highly impressed by Michael Cobley‘s forthcoming science fiction novel, Seeds of Earth.
- David Farland (Dave Wolverton) has some advice for writers on weathering a recession: write it out.
- Pamela Freeman‘s Blood Ties is critiqued by Aidan Moher of A Dribble of Ink and then discussed by Aidan, Pamela and others in the comments.
- Ian Graham is interviewed over at Speculative Horizons, talking about the prequel to Monument.
- Charlie Huston‘s Book of All Future Names project reaches volume IX: Shadding and Necrotic.
- Christopher Moore has contributed a 17-syllable Poetry of the Living Dead piece to the Zombie Haiku project.
- The Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lovin’ blog is giving away a copy of Orcs by Stan Nicholls.
- GreenManReview.com takes a look at forthcoming comic fantasy The Accidental Sorcerer by K.E. Mills.
- Philip Palmer asks: is the Keanu Reeves re-make of The Day The Earth Stood Still actually helping to save the Earth from alien invasion?
- Gary Reynolds has posted a chunk of Dark Space by Marianne de Pierres at his Concept SciFi blog and Fantasy Book Critic has a review of the sequel, Chaos Space.
- Jennifer Rardin talks to Reading With a Bite about her Jaz Parks series.
- Brian Ruckley has posted another selection of recommended books that pre-date the Internet.
- Brandon Sanderson re-visits an interview from this time last year to see how things have changed over twelve months of work on the final Wheel of Time instalment.
- Jeff Somers shares a random musing or two on the subject of Battlestar Galactica and romance in sci-fi.
- John Ottinger has posted a review of the first part of Scott Westerfeld‘s Risen Empire over at Grasping for the Wind.
- Australian Dark Fiction blog HorrorScope.com has posted a review of Earth Ascendant by Sean Williams.
See you in 2009!