Orbit Links for November 21st 2008
Is it Friday already? This week has just flown by. Must be time for another round-up of Orbit Author online activity (try saying that ten times fast with a mouth full of toffee…)
- Blogger Graeme Flory gave R. Scott Bakker‘s The Judging Eye a whopping 9.75/10 in his glowing review and Larry at OF Blog of the Fallen has posted his initial thoughts on the book as well.
- Marie Brennan‘s latest post at SFNovelists.com poses the question of fellow writers: do you ‘practice’ writing? Marie is also asking for suggestions as to stylistic comparisons of her writing. And you can now hear a flash-fic short story by Marie via the Podcastle podcast.
- Simon Appleby at BookGeeks.co.uk has good things to say about Blood Ties by Pamela Freeman.
- Karen Miller has posted details of a couple of recent interview pieces now available online.
- Philip Palmer shares a few holiday reading recommendations (and it’s pretty dark stuff, for the most part…)
- Kimberley Saunders, writing at TheBookBag.co.uk thoroughly enjoyed Chaos Space by Marianne de Pierres.
- Brian Ruckley’s Bloodheir has been enthusiastically reviewed over at Dark Wolf’s Fantasy Reviews.
- Charles Stross answers the age-old question: Where do you get your ideas?
- Looks like some lucky Brent Weeks fans have discovered that some retailers are already shipping Beyond the Shadows in advance of the official publication date…
- Brent Weeks is also on the spot at BookSpotCentral.com this week.
- The latest (third) issue of the ConceptSciFi.com ezine (pdf, free to download) includes a reprinted short story by Sean Williams.