Orbit Links for November 14th 2008
Hello again and welcome to another weekly Orbit Author links round-up. Quite a lot to tell you about this week, so here we go:
- Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist presents an exclusive extract from the new R. Scott Bakker book The Judging Eye and is running an email sweepstake to win one of three copies as well.
- Patricia Briggs‘ US fans will be pleased to know that she will be on tour in February 2009.
- Robert Buettner marks Veterans’ Day / Armistice Day with a look at C.S. Lewis’ 1946 essay, ‘Talking About Bicycles’, on the subject writers who write about war.
- Blood of the Muse reviews Mike Carey‘s Vicious Circle and likes it a lot.
- Jo Graham takes part in the latest SFSignal Mind Meld article, on the subject of ‘Speculative Fiction Books Worth Reading Twice’.
- Pamela Freeman‘s Deep Water has been reviewed most favourably by both Liviu C Siciu at Fantasy Book Critic and by Iain Wear at The Bookbag.
- Charlie Huston is the guest of Cover to Cover podcast 334a from Dragonpage.com. And Charlie has submitted his latest Joe Pitt novel, Every Last Drop to the Page 99 Test.
- Subterranean Press have announced that they’ll be publishing a novella by K. J. Parker, entitled Purple and Black.
- Marianne de Pierres‘ Chaos Space gets an enthusiastic review from Mark at Walker of Worlds.
- Jeffrey Somers is a multi-talented fellow: not only a wordsmith, but a tunesmith as well… check out his MP3 downloads.
- Tricia Sullivan reveals her big ambition as a writer.
- Mark at Walker of Worlds has reviewed Saturn Returns by Sean Williams and had good things to say. Likewise, Gary Reynolds at ConceptSciFi declares the first part of the Astropolis series “a joy to read”.
- What’s the most impressive thing you did this week? Walter Jon Williams talked to space travelers. Seriously!
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)