Orbit Links for September 26th 2008
Welcome once again to our weekly round-up of online Orbit author activity:
- BookSpotCentral has posted a review of Daniel Abrahams’ A Shadow in Summer, the first part of The Long Price.
- StrangeHorizons.com reviewer R.J. Burgess overcomes an assumed dislike of novels inspired by RPGs to discover that there’s a lot to like in Marie Brennan‘s Midnight Never Come.
- Marie Brennan is also answering readers’ questions over at her Livejournal: round one, round two and round three so far.
- Over at Grasping for the Wind, John has posted his notes on a lecture given by Terry Brooks last year.
- Green Man Review has good things to say about Robert Buettner‘s latest Jason Wander book, in their review of Orphan’s Journey.
- Orbit author-to-be N.K. Jemisin guest-blogs her choice of Ten Epic Fantasy Themes We Don’t See Enough Of.
- The Book Swede posts a review of Jennifer Fallon‘s Wolfblade.
- Reviewer Graeme Flory enjoyed the fourth book in Charlie Huston‘s Joe Pitt series and says so in his review.
- Ken MacLeod‘s The Night Sessions comes under Nic Clarke’s critical spotlight in an in-depth review over at StrangeHorizons.com.
- Karen Miller has posted details of the research reading list that was one result of her recent trip to the UK.
- Philip Palmer‘s BBC radio-play adaptation of Tayeb Salih’s The Season of Migration to the North is due to be broadcast this Sunday.
- Jennifer Rardin presents: When Vayl Met Jaz, Part One.
- Brent Weeks, author of the soon-to-be-released Night Angel trilogy has been interviewed for the Fantasy Book Reviewer blog.
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)