Review round-up: Ken MacLeod’s THE NIGHT SESSIONS
Ken MacLeod is surely one of the most intriguing, astute and perceptive of the current crop of British science fiction writers and so it’s no surprise to see his latest novel, The Night Sessions being covered by a number of review venues.
In print: Eric Brown, writing for The Guardian calls it “a stunning indictment of fundamentalism of all kinds”. A review in SciFi Now said: “MacLeod spins a yarn that moves at a fast pace, and which doesn’t disappoint; exciting and intriguing, it keeps a consistent level of interest throughout its passage.”
BBC Focus called it: “A twisting conspiracy tale shot through with MacLeod’s gloriously mordant sense for the absurd.” And Lisa Tuttle, writing for The Times gives the book a brief mention in one of her regular science fiction review columns.
And online: Daniel Coysh, writing for the Morning Star Online, takes a close look at the book from a left-wing political perspective, concluding: “Once more, MacLeod delivers the goods in style and cements his position not only as one of science fiction’s most intelligent and politically conscious authors but also as a great writer who transcends the genre.”
Bloggers Gav at and Doug at A Convenient Truth were both equally enthusiastic. Gav was suitably impressed by Ken’s pace and plotting, whilst Doug enjoyed the sense of thematic relevance and grim foreboding that Ken conjures up: “Nobody can read this book without a sense of foreboding, as so much of it feels painfully possible.”
You can get a feel for the opening of the novel by reading an extract from The Night Sessions here on the Orbit website. And do let us know if you’ve written a review, or spotted a new one online, by leaving a comment below…