Orbit Links for September 19th 2008
Arrrrrr me hearties! Cap’n Orbit here, markin’ International Talk Like a Pirate Day wi’ another fine haul o’ Orbit Author Links, plundered from the briny depths of T’Interwebs! Arrrrrr!
- Trudi Canavan will be one of the Guests of Honour at next year’s Swancon in Perth, April 9th – 13th.
- Felicia Day (Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog) caught up with Jacqueline Carey at Comic-Con and marked the occasion by posting a vid to YouTube.
- Writerly advice from Kate Elliott on the subject of how to avoid distraction when on a deadline.
- Charlie Huston has posted a few advance reviews of his new Joe Pitt novel, Every Last Drop, which we’ll be publishing early next year.
- Glenda Larke offers more writerly advice, this time on submitting a query letter to a potential agent.
- South African SFF blogger Dave Brendon has posted an interview with Karen Miller.
- Reviewer Mark Rose has good things to say about Orcs by Stan Nicholls, over at Bookgasm.com.
- Worldchanging.com has re-posted a piece that Charles Stross wrote for them in May 2007, entitled Predicting Possible Futures.
- This week’s tip for writers from Lilith Saintcrow: look for stories everywhere.
- Reviewer Rob H. Bedford takes a look at Saturn’s Children by Charles Stross, over at sffworld.com.
- Sean Williams is the guest and subject of the 62nd episode of the Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing podcast.
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)
Arrrrrr! ;)