In Their Own Words: Jacqueline Carey on KUSHIEL’S JUSTICE
Jacqueline says:
Writing Kushiel’s Justice was like time-travelling. Not because it’s set in an alternate historical world, but because I got to relive the experience of being young and falling in love for the first time. Of course, I was a young man named Imriel de la Courcel this time around, which was a big difference. And the object of my affections was the Dauphine of Terre d’Ange, who ran the risk of being disinherited if our affair was discovered. Other than that, it was a lot like I remembered it: torrid, obsessive, maddening and glorious.
Well, except for the part where politics and dire magic wielded by shape-changing magicians come between the lovers, and Imriel is forced to set out on an impossible quest in a faraway land to avenge a horrible betrayal. There’s that difference, too. Still, I had a tremendous time revisiting the first flush of love in all its hectic, heartbreaking, hungry glory. I hope you enjoy the ride!
Kushiel’s Justice – the sequel to Kushiel’s Scion – is the second part of Jacqueline Carey‘s Treason’s Heir series and tells the story of Imriel de Courcel, a young man who is third in line to the throne and a troubled scion of a dangerous bloodline.
You can find our more about the author at her official website,, which is regularly updated with the latest news and events information and also offers extracts from her latest books, including one from Kushiel’s Justice.