Orbit Links for September 5th 2008
Here’s another selection of links to items of interest featuring Orbit authors that we’ve found online during the past week:
- FlamesRising.com has posted a review of The Gypsy Morph, the brand new Genesis of Shannara novel by Terry Brooks.
- Graeme Flory finds a lot to like in Lilith Saintcrow‘s new ‘Jill Kismet’ novel, Hunter’s Prayer.
- Laurell K. Hamilton announced at DragonCon that there has been some definite and serious interest in an Anita Blake movie / t.v. series.
- The first selection of Robert Jordan‘s vast collection of blades has been made available for auction on eBay.
- Russell Kirkpatrick‘s new fantasy novel Path of Revenge is reviewed over at Highlander’s Book Reviews.
- Stephenie Meyer has posted a Breaking Dawn FAQ based on fan-questions received during her recent tour. WARNING – MAJOR SPOILERS!
- Jennifer Rardin guest-blogs over at The Book Swede’s blog, on the subject of humour in fantasy.
- Brian Ruckley tackles one of the Great Questions: how many fantasy authors does it take to change a light bulb? (any additional flavourings in that ‘nice cup of tea’, Brian?)
- Charles Stross talks to ConceptSciFi.com about his body of work to-date.
- Meanwhile, Andrew Wheeler muses on the multi-tiered theme of bondage in Charles Stross‘s Saturn’s Children. And Ryun Patterson’s Bookgasm.com review hails the book as “another masterpiece” by Mr Stross.
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)