In Their Own Words: Philip Palmer on DEBATABLE SPACE
Philip says:
Space pirates, exotic aliens, battles in outer space, exploding stars, and characters we care about and love or hate (or both) and secretly or not so secretly want to be.
Those were the elements I wanted to include in Debatable Space. I think of it as a rocket fired through the reader’s imagination.
The several narrators of Debatable Space – the pirate crew who steal and pillage and murder and endeavour to save the universe – are like a family to me. Which means, sometimes annoying! But always my family.
And Lena is my favourite of all the characters I’ve ever created. She has many flaws, and one redeeming feature; she is vividly alive.
Debatable Space is Philip Palmer‘s gloriously mind-mashing debut space opera and is out now in paperback from Orbit UK and large paperback from Orbit US (the regular paperback will be published in the US on September 1st). Click here to read an extract.
You can catch up with the latest news from Philip Palmer at, where he regularly blogs about his writing (screenplays and radio-plays as well as prose), the movies he’s seen, the books he’s read… all sorts of good stuff.