Show your Facebook Fandom to win a copy of DEBATABLE SPACE
Calling all Facebook users: we’re running another ‘Sign up as a Fan’ competition through August, this time offering a chance to win one of a dozen signed paperback copies of Philip Palmer‘s wonderfully brain-mashing debut space opera Debatable Space [UK / US], which is officially out today in the UK and will be published in the US on September 1st (click here to read an extract).
The rules of the competition are simple: there will be four draws, taking place at lunchtime-ish (UK time) on Friday 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th August, with three copies of the book to be won in each draw. You’ll be entered for the draw if you’re a fully signed-up and confirmed Fan of Philip Palmer’s Debatable Space Page on Facebook at the time the draw takes place.
So there’s an obvious early-mover advantage to be had here: sign up as a Fan before tomorrow lunchtime’s draw and you’ll be entered in all four (which is also the case if you’re already a Fan, of course!)
Full rules, regs etc. (not that there’s really much more to add) can be found here.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a chance to win!