In Their Own Words: Robert Buettner on the ‘Jason Wander’ series
Robert says:
What are the Jason Wander books about?
My inner teen thinks they are about cool stuff: hovertanks, dinosaurs, captured alien starships, firefights, swordfights, and cracking wise when authority least welcomes it.
My inner grown-up thinks the books are about the distance between Eisenhower and the paratroops shown here, west of London on D-Day eve, 1944. That distance is an armspan across the grass of Greenham Common Airfield, but the journey of a soldier’s lifetime across the calendar.
Why do I think you’ll like them over there? I strive to write prose spare and funny enough to make readers smile, while jammed in middle airline seats, after twelve-hour days, with headaches.
Plus, there’s all the cool stuff…
Robert Buettner‘s Jason Wander series is officially published by Orbit UK on August 7th and all three books were published by Orbit US in April this year:
Book four in the series, Orphan’s Alliance is scheduled for publication by Orbit US in November 2008.
Image Credit: U.S. Army. “Dwight Eisenhower giving orders to American paratroopers in England.” 1944 June 5. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.