Orbit Links for August 01 2008
Welcome once more, gentle reader, to our regular Friday links round-up. We have another choice selection of Orbit authors’ online activities for you to peruse this week:
- The Biology in Science Fiction blog has picked up and commented on one of the questions from the recent Iain [M] Banks Email Q&A and IO9 highlights the post in turn, sparking a lively discussion in the comments thread.
- Over at The Book Swede’s blog you currently have a chance to win one of two copies of Celia Friedman‘s Feast of Souls.
- Charlie Huston has posted the third part of his ‘Book of All Future Names’ flash-fiction project: Storie Latier.
- The third episode of the Reality Break podcast presents a 1994 radio interview with Robert Jordan. [via Neth Space]
- Glenda Larke posts a few sobering thoughts for would-be authors (well worth reading if you’ve ever considered giving up the day-job to write full-time…)
- Marianne de Pierres has posted the link to an interview with The Falcata Times.
- Over at OF Blog the Fallen, Larry has posted a translation of a Fantasymundo.com interview with Andrzej Sapkowski: Part One, Part Two.
- Charles Stross is planning on doing his bit for gender balance in genre fiction by promising to apply Bechdel’s Law to his future writing projects.
- And Charles Stross fans might enjoy this lego diorama of a starship bridge from Singularity Sky. [grokked from the FPI blog]
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)