What I Learned at Comicon
- A new usage for the word “harpooning” (Thanks Lilith!)
- Big frakkin’ bags are a big frakkin’ hit.
- No matter how innocent the intent, grown men with giant Curious George dolls should not offer free hugs on Kid’s Day. (Ew dude, seriously).
- Everybody is duly excited about The Watchmen and Twilight (I know, right?)
- The Orcs Are Coming!
- 140,000 people is a whole lot of eyeballs, but so are roughly 800 exhibitors – if your marketing isn’t focused, those eyes will glaze right over it (thankfully, we had Orcs).
- You would be amazed by the number of 5 dollar action figures you do not want that are out there.
- The coolest stuff was tucked away in the small press and artist alley.
- The first person to start selling baby onesies at Comicon will make a fortune. (Seriously, I spent a day looking for something for my son and couldn’t find anything smaller than a toddler size, and I was not alone).
- Lamest costume: All those Dark Knight Jokers with un-smeared makup (the smeared makeup was the whole point guys!)
- Coolest costume: the little girl in the pink dress, pink shirt, and pink Vader helmet – you rule!
All in all, we had a great time at the show. Lilith Saintcrow rocked the Eye on the Present panel, which should be online eventually. We had a limited giveaway of Orcs galleys which were snatched up by fans in minutes. Kevin J. Anderson chatted with us about The Ashes of Worlds (vid to come) And our friends at Yen Press threw a great rooftop party complete with fireworks.