Orbit’s 300th Post! And our Top 30 items to-date…
According to our content-management system (and we have no reason to believe that it would lie to us) this is the 300th post to go out on the Orbit website since we launched it back in March last year.
To celebrate, we thought we’d take the opportunity to consult with our traffic analytics software and run off a list of our Top 30 content items to-date. Looks like you folks really like your extracts! Well, we hear you, and we’ll make sure we keep them coming.
We’d also love to hear which articles you, our readers, have particularly enjoyed. Any hidden gems or more recent pieces that didn’t quite make the Top 30, for instance? Please feel free to use the comments below to let us know what sort of content you’d like to see more of (or less of – we can take it!) on the site.
And now, without further ado, here are those Top 30 items since March 2007:
- Read an extract from Matter by Iain M Banks
- Read an extract from Winterbirth by Brian Ruckley
- Read an extract from Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Jennifer Rardin
- Read an extract from Saturn’s Children by Charles Stross
- Priestess of the Write: An Interview with Trudi Canavan
- Read an extract from The Electric Church by Jeff Somers
- Read an extract from The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
- The Wheel of Time Continues to Turn
- Announcement of Robert Jordan‘s passing
- Read an extract from Black Ships by Jo Graham
- Read an extract from Debatable Space by Philip Palmer
- Read an extract from Empress by Karen Miller
- Read an extract from The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller
- Orbit announces plans to expand in the US and UK
- Mike Carey on camera
- Introducing The Last Wish
- Tom Holt Talks Time Travel
- The Escapement arrives
- Read an extract from The Devil’s Right Hand by Lilith Saintcrow
- Introducing Matter
- Urban Fantasy come true
- Orbit acquires Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells
- Just another day at the office… IN HELL!
- Standing Out or Fitting In? Tim Holman on Orbit cover art
- The bestselling debut of 2007 – The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller
- Devi Pillai reports from World Fantasy 2007
- Orbit in Australia
- Fiona MacIntosh‘s video-intro for Odalisque
- Orbit acquires two more books in Jim Butcher‘s Dresden Files series
- Best Summer SF Reads in The Times