Orbit Links for July 11 2008
Welcome to the latest weekly round up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors; various item that we’ve found online (or have been sent in to us) over the course of the past week:
- Kevin J Anderson has been interviewed by Jessica over at Sci-Fi Fan Letter.
- John Joseph Adams has posted a quick-fire interview with Marie Brennan over at SciFiWire.com.
- Over at SFFWorld.com Rob Bedford reviews Orphan’s Journey, the latest in Robert Buettner’s Jason Wander series.
- Tanya Huff will be attending the Polaris convention in Toronto this weekend.
- At his ‘Blood of the Muse’ blog, Paul has featured Charlie Huston in his latest Promote an Underappreciated Author Day post.
- Glenda Larke has been interviewed by Satima Flavell for The Specusphere.
- Bidisha reviews Stephenie Meyer‘s The Host for the Guardian Book Blog.
- One from the archives: Gav at Nextread.co.uk has posted a review of Elizabeth Moon‘s Trading in Danger.
- Marianne de Pierres proudly presents the cover art for her next Orbit novel, Chaos Space.
- John at Grasping For the Wind notes that two of his interview pieces with Karen Miller have been translated into French.
- Jennifer Rardin is chuffed to bits that her main character Jaz Parks now has her own Wikipedia entry.
- Scott Westerfeld has willingly succumbed to Zeppelin Fever again.
As always, if you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)