Orbit Links for June 27 2008
Welcome to our latest round-up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors that we’ve spotted (or have been sent in to us) this past week:
- Marie Brennan has been interviewed by Wyrdsmiths, the weblog for the Twin Cities area speculative fiction writers’ group.
- US readers will be interested to hear that they can currently enter an email sweepstake via the Fantasy Book Critic blog to win US editions of The Devil You Know and Vicious Circle, the first two books in Mike Carey‘s superb Felix Castor series.
- Over at the Nethspace blog, blogger Neth has been discovering Already Dead – the first of Charlie Huston‘s Joe Pitt novels – and he likes what he’s found.
- Stephenie Meyer has confirmed that whilst tickets for her forthcoming Breaking Dawn concert series are completely sold out, eager fans can catch two of the shows broadcast live via iclips. And two lucky fans will win a trip to New York to see the show.
- Stephenie Meyer has also been interviewed for the Little Brown blog on the subject of her current novel, The Host.
- Over at the Midnight Moon Café, Lilith Saintcrow talks about her writing career to-date.
- Philip Palmer has written a forthcoming episode of the long-running UK TV series Heartbeat – a rural cop-show set in 1960s Yorkshire – which promises something a little out of the ordinary for the residents of sleepy Aidensfield.
- Jeff Somers was extremely pleased by this particular example of Digital Plague fan-art that he found at deviantart.com.
- And finally… the SFX magazine website has posted an interview with Darren Nash, our very own Editorial Director, that’s packed full of extremely practical hints and tips for aspiring writers. And if you are an aspiring writer, then you could do a lot worse than to read it thoroughly and take careful notes…
If you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)