Brian Ruckley Interview Over at A Dribble of Ink
Brian Ruckley is over at A Dribble of Ink talking to Aidan about his new book Bloodheir:
Alright Brian, let’s get the easy question out of the way. Why should readers give a damn about your upcoming release Bloodheir?
Well I imagine those predisposed to give a damn (to whom I am, of course, inordinately grateful) already do so, and don’t need me to tell them why they should. As far as everyone else is concerned … what can I say? Although perfection remains, unsurprisingly, out of reach, I think I’m improving as a writer, bit by little bit. It’s got one or two plot developments that I really don’t believe many reasonable readers will have seen coming (plus, of course, one or two that they probably will…). And it’s got another lovely cover, just like Winterbirth did, so it’ll look grand on your bookshelf. Come to that, it’ll look great anywhere, so even if you’re only in the market for a cool-looking doorstop, it should fit the bill nicely.
Bloodheir (UK/US) is available at all good bookshops now. Check out our Facebook competition for a chance to win a free copy!