Orbit Links for June 20 2008
Welcome to our weekly round-up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors that we’ve spotted elsewhere on the WWW (or have been pointed out to us) in the past seven days:
- Over at Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review, blogger Graeme Flory has a number of good things to say about a trio of recent Orbit titles: Kelley Armstrong‘s The Summoning, Patricia Briggs‘ Blood Bound and Lilith Saintcrow‘s Night Shift.
- Independent publisher Circlet Press recommends the works of Iain M Banks if you like your science fiction hot and steamy…
- Marie Brennan, writing at SFNovelists.com, explains how the cut and thrust of dynamic, real-time storytelling during fantasy roleplaying sessions helps to make her a better writer. And a new interview with Marie has been posted at the LiveJournal Community Fangs, Fur and Fey.
- Philip Palmer has nothing but good things to say about the Iron Man movie.
- Parrish Plessis and Sentients of Orion author Marianne de Pierres has been interviewed by Lynne Jamneck over at Suite101.com: check out part I and part II of the piece.
- Fantasy author Brian Ruckley assaulted by Arctic Tern! Audio footage available!
- In Lilith Saintcrow‘s latest writing-advice column she explains why the term ‘hack writer’ isn’t necessarily as derogatory as you might assume.
- Charles Stross will be interviewed in Second Life tomorrow lunchtime (SLT) and will be announcing details of a mini-tour of the US South-West in the near future, taking in both DragonCon in San Diego and Worldcon in Denver.
- Sean Williams has posted his essay ‘A Discordant Melody’ – on the subject of his ongoing love-affair with the gothic – which will also be available as an extra in the UK paperback edition of his next Orbit title, Earth Ascendant. And check out his recent Astropolis Update blog post for some interview action, review links and more.
If you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know! We’ll happily name-check your website or blog with a heads-up credit in return (please remember to provide us with a link…)