In Their Own Words: Sean Williams on ‘Saturn Returns’
Sean says:
I’ve always conceived Astropolis as three fairly different books. Saturn Returns is a complicated psychological piece (with lots of explosions) in which Imre Bergamasc puts his mind back together and decides that he’s going to do the same thing for the galaxy. Earth Ascendant is what he tries to do with the pieces. How does one go about managing an empire that large? At what cost success? (The third book is, naturally, a car-chase.)
The time-scales in Astropolis are huge. Every now and again I’d stop myself and think, “Did really send those guys on a journey that will last fifty thousand years?” It seems so wrong, and yet so right. In order to realistically manage a galactic civilisation, with no ftl technology at all, people will have to think this way.
And they’d better have a good knowledge of Edgar Allen Poe too, if Imre’s version of the future is anything to go by.
Saturn Returns, book one of the Astropolis sequence, is out now in the UK.
You can find our more about Sean’s writing over at his official website, and keep up to date with the latest developments via his LiveJournal page.