In Their Own Words: Fiona McIntosh on ‘Goddess’
Fiona says:
Goddess is the final ‘movement’ to the Percheron symphony. And if I continue with the orchestral reference then this is the book where the drums are rolling, the cymbals clashing and every musician is blowing, or strumming, or bowing, or banging. All the characters are on the move and we enjoy resolution to the myriad of storylines, especially who the Goddess is…
Always a high body count in my books and be assured that those that deserve it usually get their come uppance. Read it and see who survives – you may be surprised
. Thanks to all who have read the story so far. Enjoy Goddess.
Goddess is out now in the UK and is, as Fiona says, the final part of the Percheron series, which began with Odalisque [UK] and continued in Emissary [UK].
You can find out more about Fiona and her work by visiting her official website: