Orbit Links for May 30 2008
Our weekly round-up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors that we’ve found (or have been pointed in the direction of) out there on T’Internet:
- Gav over at Next Read has put Glenda Larke’s Song of the Shiver Barrens and Marie Brennan’s Midnight Never Come (UK/US) on his selected releases for May.
- There’s a fantastic interview with Charlie Huston, author of the Joe Pitt series, who’s on the spot over at Fantasy Book Spot. They also have an extract from Already Dead, the first in the series, which you can read here.
- Neth Space takes an interesting look at book buying and what makes us buy books and where, something that we’re unsurprisingly curious about. . .
- Jennifer Rardin interviewed Lilith Saintcrow…
- …and Fantasy Debut interviewed Jennifer Rardin.
- Robert Buettner describes the long road from finishing a book to publishing a book.
- Over at A Dribble of Ink, Aidan’s excited about the newly released prologue from Brian Ruckley’s Bloodheir which you can read here and listen to here.
- Jo Graham is writing a “commentary track” for her novel Black Ships.
- And finally, for some Friday flash fun check out Duel Mail, a free online game based on the work of author Andrzej Sapkowski
If you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know!