YouTube Action: Orbit authors reading at Alt.Fiction
A number of Orbit’s UK-based authors put in an appearance at Derby’s 2008 Alt.Fiction day back in April (see our earlier report) and we promised you some video coverage from the day.
Here then, for your amusement, edification and general entertainment, are a selection of book readings by Orbit authors Philip Palmer, Brian Ruckley, Charles Stross and Mike Carey. Admittedly, the sound quality isn’t always the best – the rooms were a bit echoey and the microphone a little small – so you may have to turn the volume up a tad. And Sam requests that you don’t say anything mean about her camera-work; tables weren’t always available and knees don’t always make the best camera-mounts…
Philip Palmer reads from Debatable Space [UK / US]
Brian Ruckley reads from Bloodheir [UK / US]
Charles Stross reads from Halting State [UK], part the first:
…and part the second:
Charles Stross reads from Saturn’s Children [UK]:
Mike Carey reads from the next Felix Castor novel, Thicker Than Water, part one:
and part two:
You can check out all these videos and more over at the Orbit YouTube Channel.