Orbit Links for May 16 2008
Another weekly round-up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors that we’ve found (or have been pointed in the direction of) out there on T’Internet:
- Iain [M] Banks was interviewed by CNN during the Lincoln Book Festival recently.
- And in the midst of a huge update, writer Paul Cornell mentions that Iain has seen the script of his radio adaptation of ‘The State of the Art’ and has declared himself pleased.
- Kate Elliott talks about the importance of researching believable social structures as part of the process of world-building, over at her LiveJournal.
- Jo Graham reveals that she’s working on two more historical novels set in the ancient world (as is her rather superb debut, Black Ships…)
- …and Jo has also posted a short background story explaining the origins of one of the supporting characters in Black Ships [warning: possible spoilers!]
- Laurell K. Hamilton has posted a new podcast in which she answers a dozen questions put to her by fans via her message board.
- Charlie Huston has posted his outline, no-particular-order recommended reading list by way of explaining the influences behind his current vamp-noir series.
- From Robert Buettner we learn that there’s a subtle difference between finishing a book and actually completing a book.
- The Book Swede is running an email sweepstake to win a copy of The Host by Stephenie Meyer… not sure what the closing date is, but you’d be best off getting your entry in quick!
- Philip Palmer is delighted to report that he’ll be going to the Cannes Film Festival this year. Hopefully he’ll be able to blog a few snaps of anything sf-nal he encounters while he’s out there…
- Jeff Somers has blogged about his recent experiences guesting on the Joey Reynolds radio show.
- Charles Stross walks us through a few recent developments in the Fermi Paradox and then with his next breath goes on to explain just why your Internet experience might sometimes seem so slow. Is there anything this man can’t explain?
If you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know!