Orbit Links for May 09 2008
Welcome to our latest quick-fire round-up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors:
- Comicbookresources.com has posted a lengthy interview with Mike Carey on the subject of his involvement in the Coalition Comix project; a collaboration between Mike, Virgin Comics and a number of invited MySpace fans.
- Jo Graham reveals the answer to the problem of finding the time to write a novel whilst holding down a full-time career: stop cleaning the house (temporarily!)
- Charlie Huston has posted a link to a video of his recent interview for Swedish arts programme Kobra [the intro and questions are in Swedish, but the answers are in English…]
- Glenda Larke compares the falling number of readers in the US with the rising number of published titles and asks who’s going to read all those books?
- Ken MacLeod was interviewed by Alex Fitch on the evening of the Arthur C. Clarke Awards, for Sci-Fi-London’s ‘Reality Check’ podcast, along with Richard Morgan and Stephen Baxter. [sent in by Joe Gordon]
- The ‘Fantasy Book Critic’ blog reveals that a recent Stephenie Meyer email sweepstake was, without a shadow a of a doubt, their most popular competition to-date, with no fewer than 6,919 entrants…
- Lilith Saintcrow points us in the direction of a new Dante Valentine LiveJournal fan community.
- YourMomsBasement.com’s ‘Rescued by Nerds’ blog features Jeff Somers‘ brand new Avery Cates novel, The Digital Plague in their Weekly Picks for May 6th: “noirish post-cyberpunk in the vein of Richard Morgan or Jon Courtenay Grimwood…”
- Charles Stross discusses the ‘bang-per-buck’ requirements involved in crafting longer works of fiction, particularly series fiction.
- In a recent blog post on YA sf/f (that’s sparked another round of full-throated blogoshpere debate), John Scalzi highlights Scott Westerfeld as one of the leading authors on the YA bookshelves.
If you see any online articles, reviews or interviews that feature an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know!