Orbit Links for April 25 2008
Here’s a quick round-up of links of interest featuring Orbit authors, that we’ve found – or have been brought to our attention – this week:
- The new Iain M Banks Culture novel, Matter, has been thoroughly discussed by four of the UK’s top genre bloggers this week.
- Jim Butcher has been posting a series of articles on the art and craft of writing over at his Livejournal. The latest installment offers a few tips on organising your writing.
- Marianne de Pierres was delighted by R.J. Burgess’ insightful review of her current Orbit novel, Dark Space, on StrangeHorizons.com.
- Tom Holt‘s official website has been updated with information about his brand new novel The Better Mousetrap.
- Via Tanya Huff‘s Livejournal, we learn that the Canadian TV adaptation based on her Vicki Nelson books has been nominated for a Constellation Award.
- J.V. Jones has posted a short extract from A Sword From Red Ice, part three of her current fantasy series Sword of Shadows, over at the journal page of her website, JVJ.com.
- Movie news site Slashfilm.com has a profile of the forthcoming movie adaptation of Twilight, which is based on the mega-selling series of novels by Stephenie Meyer, published in the UK by Orbit’s sister imprint, Atom, and in the US by Little, Brown Young Readers. And MSN movies has posted not one, not two, but three set-visit feature items.
- Jeff Somers shares a few observations on the economics of writing for a living and writing as a lifestyle choice, over at his blog, Said Cunning Old Fury.
- Tricia Sullivan talks to editor Jonathan Strahan about her short story ‘Post-Ironic Stress Syndrome’, which appears in the new anthology The Starry Rift.
- Orbit & Atom author Scott Westerfeld has been interviewed by Iain Emsley at Yatterings.com on the subject of his Midnighters series.
- And Scott Westerfeld has posted a piece on his blog about a recent research trip that involved taking a zeppelin ride in Germany.
If you spot an interesting online article featuring an Orbit author, please feel free to drop us a line and let us know!