Karen Miller Interviewed
Karen Miller, the bestselling author of The Innocent Mage, talks about Empress, her writing and kitty litter over at The Book Swede:
Could you tell us a little about Empress? (I like to be original in my opening questions)…
Well, Empress is the first book in the Godspeaker trilogy (my first trilogy, yikes!). Actually, I tend to think of my stories in acts, like plays, so it’s Act 1 in a 3 act play.
It’s the story of a young girl from an exceedingly harsh background, who discovers the power that lies within her and rises to greatness against enormous odds. It’s the story of a young man, who’s also been touched by power and greatness. It’s about his relationship with her, and her relationship with the god they worship … which isn’t at all a kind or benevolent deity.