What if things had ended…differently? FED by Mira Grant
BLACKOUT (US | UK | AUS) released yesterday and I’m sure by now many of have heard the news that the film rights of FEED (US | UK | AUS) have been optioned. So what else can go right for the hordes of Newsflesh fans shambling towards their local bookstores? Check out FED by Mira Grant — an alternate ending to FEED.
Be advised there are major spoilers for FEED contained therein. If you haven’t read FEED yet, don’t go any further. These books are fantastic as the many Newsflesh fans will tell you. You’ll want to enjoy every surprising twist and turn on what has been one wild ride for the Mason siblings.
But if the crew of After the End Times are old friends of yours, then by all means continue and read FED beneath the cut or download a pdf.
Download a pdf: FED by Mira Grant