Wow, now that’s a lot of covers! A whole season in fact. With our US Spring-Summer 2012 catalog sneaking out into the world we wanted to go ahead and post all the early covers in one place so you don’t have to go sneaking about the interwebs looking for them. As this is catalog time, and pretty much a whole year before these books will go to print, a lot is still in development, and a lot will still change, so I’ve marked the not-final covers so there is no confusion. After the jump you can link and download each cover individually.
So go ahead! Get excited! Make your christmas lists, birthday lists, and beach-reading lists, and in the coming months we will be launching each of these covers with all the pomp and circumstance (and fun background videos, insider info, and semi-lucid ravings of yours truly) you have come to expect right here on orbitbooks.net