The praise for Red Claw continues!
Not only has Philip Palmer had a double recommendation in the Guardian recently, he’s also scored a hat-trick in SciFi Now with a competition running last month, an excellent review in the current issue and an interview to come in the next! Here is just some of the incredible praise he’s received:
‘Palmer follows his much-praised debut, Debateable Space, with another riotous, wildly inventive space opera …crawling with over-the-top monsters and crazy biological dangers… Red Claw is that rare treat, an intelligent action adventure replete with intellectual rigour, human insight and superb storytelling.’ – Guardian
‘Philip Palmer is the kind of author that the science-fiction genre really needs at the moment; he is ambitious, imaginative, offbeat and varied in his style of storytelling … in flamboyant style Palmer has crafted a novel that is brimming with promise … offers science-fiction fans a refreshing and alternative read.’ – SciFi Now
‘Red Claw confirms Philip Palmer’s position as one of the quirkiest authors working today … Palmer’s playful prose, vivid characters, deft world-building and constant in-jokes keep you turning the pages … certainly brings some fun and adrenaline to the genre.’ – SFX
‘Red Claw hooks the reader in right from the get-go and doesn’t let up until the final page. The pace is relentless and the plot… is utterly compelling, twisting and turning and keeping you guessing till the very end … Red Claw is an utterly satisfying, fast and furious read, violent, sexy and laugh-out-loud funny in places it provokes thought but doesn’t preach and all the while it’s hugely entertaining. Definitely recommended’ – Sci-Fi-London
‘It’s been a while since I’ve read a science fiction novel as invigoratingly original in approach and theme as this one … Palmer’s writing is refreshingly direct’ – Morning Star
‘The only thing that alerts you to the fact that this wasn’t written during the golden era of science fiction is the swearing … The plot is pure Asimov/Clarke … reminiscent of classic SF … Excellent.’ – Books
‘Philip Palmer doesn’t hold back on extravagant plot twists, bizarre alien biology and larger-than-life characters… it’s a roller-coaster ride through destruction, intrigue, murder and chaos … It’s fun, it’s brutal and it’s exciting.’ – SFCrowsnest
‘A marvellous mix of the ridiculous and the sublime, mashing pulp sci-fi with a seedly Heinlein style utopian dystopia, and some pretty dark humour as well. It’s The Lord of the Flies meets Starship Troopers. A truly dark tale of betrayal, big guns, and monsters … The story twists and turns like a twisty turny thing … This is one of the best novels released this year. 10/10’ – Emotionally Fourteen
‘This is a sharply modern, darkly humorous tale of what happens when people are the opposite of green. On the face of it you have a classic SF story of people exploring a planet filled with dangerous exotic creatures, but just below the surface is a seething satire of the dark side of human nature. The cover echoes the charming naivety of a 50s B movie or pulp novel, but open it up and you have a tale for the Noughties … Mr Palmer does it all particularly well with attention paid to every satirical detail.’ –