And the first new cover for the Spring/Summer 2010 season is the next book in the Jane True series: Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler. (Just because I will be seeing her in the Orbit HQ this week and I don’t want her to kick my butt for not posting it yet)
Of course I went back to the fabulous (and award-winning) illustrator Sharon Tancredi for our next look at Jane True. Tracking the Tempest finds Jane learning how to cope with her new view of the world, and the powers that come with it, in the midst of a very action-packed story. Where in the first book, Tempest Rising, we had more of a portrait of Jane on the cover, this time we wanted an action shot. Jane is learning how to control her powers, and growing as a character, and I think Sharon did a fabulous job of picking this scene out of the story to illustrate that.
I love how Sharon kept the theme going from the first book with the illustrated frame, and a new take on the heart icon that is very apt to the story.
This is the description I can tease you with for now:
After discovering the truth about her background and the supernatural community, Jane True has been busy honing her supernatural powers and enjoying a newfound sense of confidence. Rockabill may not yet be heaven, but she’s started to realize it’s home. Meanwhile, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and Ryu—Jane’s bloodsucker boyfriend—can’t let a major holiday go by without getting all gratuitous. This time his shenanigans involve a last-minute ticket to Boston and a hefty dose of direct interference in her life.
Jane soon discovers, however, that Ryu’s intentions involve more than just mind-numbingly good sex. He wants Jane’s help in uncovering the motivation behind a spree of gruesome killings committed by a being of tremendous power.
A being who also happens to be a Halfling—just like Jane.